Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A Sweet Valentine

Sigh... been so long i had never log in or bother to write much cos I m so lost in my job... lost contacts with all my friends and dropped into this big pool of shit circle.... finally i m back... not becos of wat but becos i m on medical leave due to some accident which happened to me during my company D&D nite... will update on this tmr.
Anyway..... I guessed most of my friends had spent their valentine's day differently, some in anger some in sweet sweet love.... for me.... everything came in as a surprise...
Been married for 3 years and Herman, being Herman the Mr Rock, has never ever given me any flowers before. The first time he gave me flowers was back then when i told him i like him and ask him to make a decision between me or the other gal he was after.....
If i can remember correctly, herman said he won't give me flowers at all until the day i die on my funeral.... i was just complaining to someone over the phone that i got no flowers no presents for valentine day and suddenly Herman appeared with a bouquet of flowers rite in front of me!!!!!!!!!! I was thrilled!!! Next thing becos my sister happened to be in my place immediately i jump to conclusion that herman actually took my sister's flower to disturb me.... no matter how hard he explain i simply dun believe that he got me flowers.... only until i called Elise that i realise that Herman actually called her boyfriend to see where can he get flowers for me.......... so touching!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean if it is somebody else.. there is nothing much to be touched abt... but if u guys knw herman well........ he will nvr do such a thing... even my mum who came by and visit me today was shocked that herman did such a stupid thing... anyway....... watever it is... i m still very happy and touched by herman this time.... took some pictures with mink and stout... do enjoy it..........

Stout is trying to win Mink's heart by giving her a kiss....

Mink not at all interested..........

Mink trying to ask stout to go away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mink with a miserable look.... not at all interested in stout being so ugly and skinny... too bad for stout man............

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